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10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

The best way to be happy is to buy a Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

Just kidding! I wish finding happiness was that simple.

One of the biggest mistakes we make is thinking we’ll magically be happy when we hit a certain goal—like landing a job, getting married, or having a certain amount of money in the bank.

But none of those things will keep us happy for long. Instead, happiness comes from something much simpler—building the right daily habits.

So, let’s dive into the top 10 habits you can practice every day to live a happier life.

1) Meditation 

Meditation has so many benefits—it helps reduce stress, boosts emotional health, improves focus, and even helps you sleep better. All of this adds up to a happier life.

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

There are lots of ways to meditate (like breath meditation, vipassana, transcendental meditation, mantra meditation, or zen), but if you’re just starting out, we suggest trying ‘Mindfulness of Breath.’ We even have a guide on how to get started with meditation.

Here’s how to build a meditation habit:

  • Start with mindfulness of breath if you don’t have a favorite style yet.
  • Sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths, then let your breathing return to normal and focus on the sensations of each breath. You can find more details in our beginner’s guide.
  • Start small—try meditating for 10-15 minutes. Here’s a 10-minute guided meditation you can use.
  • Pick a time and place for your practice. Or, try pairing it with an existing habit, like, “After I brush my teeth, I’ll meditate for 15 minutes.”

2) Workout

When it comes to tips for being happy, we can’t skip exercise. Working out not only boosts your good cholesterol and lowers blood pressure, but it also helps you fight stress, depression, and anxiety.

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Whether it’s hitting the gym, doing yoga, trying aerobics, Zumba, cycling, or jogging—it’s totally worth it. You only need about 30 minutes of exercise, 3 to 5 times a week.

Here’s how to make exercise a regular part of your life:

  • Walk or cycle when you can, and take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Treat your workout like a doctor’s appointment—make it a top priority.
  • Go for a 10-15 minute walk after dinner.
  • Try different workouts to see what you enjoy and what works best for your body. Personally, I do three days of gym, followed by a day of running or cardio, and then repeat. I take a rest day every week to recover.
  • Include activities you love, like tennis, badminton, skating, dancing, or anything else that makes you excited to move.

3) Journaling 

Journaling is one of the simplest and most underrated ways to bring more joy into your life.

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Studies show that journaling can be therapeutic. It helps you clear your mind, spot patterns in your behavior, and make positive changes. Plus, it’s a great mood booster that can make you feel better almost instantly.

If you’ve been thinking about adding journaling to your daily routine, consider this your green light!

Here are some popular journaling techniques:

  • Stream of consciousness: Just let your thoughts flow onto the page and have a chat with yourself about whatever’s on your mind.
  • Gratitude journaling: Focus on the things you’re thankful for.
  • Unsent letters: Write letters to get closure on past events.
  • Journaling with prompts: Use specific prompts to guide your writing.

To start journaling for mental health:

  • Choose a technique that resonates with you. If you’re new to journaling, a gratitude journal is a great place to begin.
  • Write without judging yourself.
  • Set aside 10 minutes each day for journaling. It might be easiest to do it right after you wake up, after meditation, or in the evening before bed.
  • If you’re just starting out, try these prompts:
  • What happened today, and how did you feel about it?
  • How can I make today a great day?
  • Reflect on a recent challenge and what you learned from it.
  • What are you grateful for in your life?

4) Break smartphone addictions 

Smartphones make our lives so much easier, but using them too much can be just as harmful as gambling or drug abuse.

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Overusing your phone can lead to anxiety, depression, behavior issues, fear of missing out, and poor sleep—none of which help you feel happy.

Here’s how to kick your phone addiction:

  • Uninstall apps you don’t really need, like shopping sites, games, or social media.
  • When you feel the urge to grab your phone, ask yourself if it’s really necessary.
  • Leave your phone out of the dining area and bedroom.
  • Turn off notifications for apps whenever you can.
  • Spend more time on hobbies that don’t involve your phone.

5) Do focused work every day – experience flow

We often get caught up in emails, calls, and minor tasks that don’t really move the needle in our lives. For example, think about all the emails you sent last week—did they make a real difference? Probably not.

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

True progress happens when we tackle challenging tasks that need focused, uninterrupted work—what we call ‘deep work.’

When a task is hard but matches your skill level, you can get so immersed in it that you lose track of time. This enjoyable state is known as ‘flow.’

Deep work improves our well-being by giving us a sense of achievement, enhancing our understanding, and massively boosting our productivity.

So, we suggest doing 1-2 hours of deep work every day.

Here’s how to get started with focused work:

  • Plan a specific time slot for deep work each day, and if possible, set your schedule for the whole week.
  • Set clear, achievable goals for each session and think them through in advance.
  • Before you start, take a moment to calm your mind—meditating for 5 minutes can help.
  • Set a timer for 30 to 50 minutes and dive into your deep work.
  • During this time, don’t let yourself get distracted by other tasks.
  • After your deep work session, take a 10-minute break—you’ve earned it!

6) Fix your sleep 

You need about 7-9 hours of sleep each night (eight hours is a good average) to keep stress, anxiety, snoring, and low productivity at bay.

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Studies show that even missing a little sleep can make you moody and irritable. So, if you’re not getting enough rest, your happiness might be slipping away.

Here’s how to improve your sleep:

  • Cut down on screen time, especially in the evening. Try to avoid gadgets for at least 1-2 hours before bed. Instead, read a book or hang out with family.
  • Dim the brightness and reduce blue light on your screens with apps like Flux.
  • Reduce your caffeine intake, especially in the evening. If you have trouble falling asleep, skip coffee after lunch.
  • Meditate for 10 minutes before bed, or write in a journal to unwind.
  • Set a regular bedtime and stick to it every day.

7) Waking up early

Research shows that waking up just an hour earlier than usual, while still getting enough sleep, can lower your risk of major depression. There are even studies suggesting that getting up early can boost your happiness and health. Pretty cool, right?

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Here’s how to start waking up earlier:

  1. Go to bed earlier: You need to get enough sleep, so try hitting the hay a bit sooner.
  2. Let in the morning light: Open your curtains to let in natural light. This helps reduce melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy.
  3. Keep it dark at night: Make your room as dark as possible to help your body produce melatonin.
  4. Stick to a routine: Follow your new wake-up schedule consistently and avoid screens in bed.
  5. Skip late-night snacks and drinks: Avoid eating late or drinking caffeine and alcohol before bed.
  6. No more snoozing: Put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

8) Eating non-processed food

Did you know that eating a lot of processed food can lead to serious health issues like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and fatty liver?

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

On the flip side, people who eat more fruits and veggies tend to feel better and have improved moods. That’s a pretty great reason to make a change!

Here’s how to start cutting down on processed food:

  1. Don’t go cold turkey: Start by cutting out 1-2 processed foods at a time.
  2. Swap sugary drinks for water: Say goodbye to packaged juices and sodas. Instead, drink more water. Eating fruits and veggies can help fill you up, making you less likely to crave processed snacks.
  3. Reduce sugar intake: Cut down on all forms of sugar.
  4. Choose whole grains: Opt for whole grains instead of processed ones.
  5. Avoid impulse buys: When shopping, skip the processed foods section. If you don’t buy them, you won’t eat them.
  6. Keep healthy snacks handy: Stock up on nuts, carrots, and fruits for when you need a snack.

9) Reading books for 30 min each day

If you read for just 30 minutes a day, you can finish a 300-page book in two weeks. It’s like giving your brain a software upgrade!

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Reading can be as relaxing and enriching as taking a walk or sipping a warm cup of tea. Plus, did you know that 88% of wealthy people spend at least 30 minutes a day on self-education or self-improvement reading?

So, ready to pick up that book and read more?

Here’s how to make reading a daily habit:

  1. Swap screen time for book time: Choose a book you love and start reading instead of scrolling on your phone.
  2. Set a reading schedule: Pick a specific time each day to read.
  3. Use idle moments for reading: Make it a routine to read before bed or whenever you have a few spare minutes.

10) Spend time on hobbies or learning something new 

We get so wrapped up in work and daily routines that we often forget to have fun. But one of the best ways to enjoy yourself is by diving into hobbies or learning something new.

10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life
10 Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Not sure where to start? How about trying cooking, pottery, painting, or gardening? Choose something that makes you happy. The key is to spend time doing things you love just for the joy of it.

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