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How Food Affects Mood

How Food Affects Mood

We all know that good nutrition is crucial for physical health, but it’s also clear that what we eat affects our mental and emotional well-being. Dr. Deborah Fernandez-Turner, Deputy Chief Psychiatric Officer at Aetna, puts it well: “It makes sense that what we put into our bodies also impacts our mental health. Good health means … Read more

8 Top Home Exercises for Weight Loss

8 Top Home Exercises for Weight Loss

When you’re aiming for a healthier lifestyle, losing extra weight often becomes a top priority. But you don’t need a gym membership to shed those pounds. You can start your weight loss journey right at home, turning your space into a personal fitness hub. Exercising at home means no more hassle of traveling to the … Read more

Starting Meditation for Stress Relief

Starting Meditation for Stress Relief

If stress has you feeling anxious, tense, or worried, meditation might help. Just a few minutes of meditation can bring back your calm and inner peace. Meditation is easy, and anyone can do it. It doesn’t cost anything, and you don’t need any special gear. You can meditate anywhere—while walking, riding the bus, waiting at … Read more

5 Best Home Remedies for Immunity

5 Best Home Remedies for Immunity

You’ve probably heard the saying, “old is gold,” and it really rings true here. Our grandmothers knew a lot about handling seasonal illnesses. Remember how all your coughs and colds seemed to vanish after just a sip of grandma’s special kadha (herbal brew)? Or how a strong cup of ‘adarak ki chai’ (ginger tea) could … Read more

6 Ways Sleep Aids Weight Loss

6 Ways Sleep Aids Weight Loss

Many people aren’t getting enough sleep these days. In fact, around 35% of adults in the U.S. sleep less than 7 hours most nights, according to the CDC. Sleeping less than 7 hours is considered short sleep. Here are 6 reasons why getting enough sleep might help you lose weight. 1. May help you avoid … Read more

9 Unexpected Benefits of Coffee

9 Unexpected Benefits of Coffee

Coffee is a popular drink that many people love because it helps them focus and gives them a burst of energy. For a lot of folks, that morning cup is a must-have to kickstart their day. Besides boosting energy, coffee may also offer several health benefits, making it an even better reason to enjoy a … Read more