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How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Vertical gardening is really catching on with city folks who want to add some greenery to their high-rise homes. It’s a great way to make your space greener, purify the air, and attract birds and butterflies. Plus, it’s perfect for anyone looking to start a kitchen garden and grow their own fruits and veggies.

Steps to Setup the Vertical Garden

Here’s how you can quickly set up a vertical garden for your plants and shrubs with just 10 easy steps.

Step 1: Select a Wall

Pick a wall in your home that you want to brighten up or cover. It could be a balcony wall or one that gets plenty of sunlight. Just make sure it’s a good spot for plants to grow. Then, choose plants that will thrive in that particular area.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 2: Create the Frame

Setting up your vertical garden wall is like creating a three-layer sandwich: you’ve got the frame, plastic sheeting, and fabric. Experts recommend using PVC pipes for the frame because they’re more durable and moisture-resistant compared to metal or wood, which can rot over time. You can either build the frame directly on the wall or make one that hangs from it. Many gardeners prefer the hanging option because it makes it easier to move or adjust the frame when needed.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 3: Attach a Plastic Sheet

Once you’ve built the frame, the next step is to attach a plastic sheet over it. This is really important because the plastic acts as a barrier between the fabric (which is the third layer) and the wall. Since the fabric will be damp from the plants, the plastic sheet helps prevent any water from causing mold or fungus on your wall.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 4: Attach Two Layers of Fabric

The last thing you need to do is attach the fabric that will hold the water for your plants. Experts recommend using felt carpet padding or similar fabric that retains water well and won’t rot easily.

For extra durability, use two layers of fabric. Stretch the fabric tightly and then staple it onto the frame with stainless steel staples or galvanized screws. Make sure the fabric is smooth and free of wrinkles or folds; it should be stretched so that it’s nice and taut.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 5: Add the Irrigation System

The irrigation system will make sure your plants get the water they need to thrive. You can set this up using poly tubing and fittings that lock together. Just run the tube across the top of your frame, and water will drip through the emitters. If you’re having trouble setting it up, you can always get a system from TrustBasket. Once your frame is ready, attach it to the wall using rust-proof hardware.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 6: Add Fertilizer and Connect Irrigation System to Water Source

Fertilizing your plants is really important. You can add a liquid fertilizer injector to the valve of your irrigation system to make this easy. A water filter can also help keep out dust and particles that might clog the system. Once everything is set up, connect your irrigation system to your water source. Since some water will drip onto the ground, you might want to place a few plant pots underneath your vertical garden to catch it. With a self-watering system, you’ll be able to keep your green wall healthy and well-watered, even if you’re not at home.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 7: Attach the Pots or Pouches

You can find special pots made just for vertical gardening. These pots can be stacked one above the other to create the height you want for your green wall. There are lots of different types and colors of plant pots available online, so you can pick a set that suits your garden. If you want, you can also add PVC pipes along the frame and easily hang the vertical garden pots from them.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 8: Choose Your Plants

When picking plants for your vertical garden, think about the humidity, wind, sunlight, and shade the spot will get. Choosing plants that naturally thrive in your local climate will help keep your garden looking great all year. In India, popular choices for vertical gardens include crotons, ferns, bromeliads, pothos, dracaena, and succulents. You can even grow fruits and veggies like cucumbers, melons, peas, or tomatoes. If your green wall is detachable, you can move it to a shaded area during hot summer months to protect your plants.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 9: Place the Plants

Instead of buying vertical planters, you can place the plants directly onto the fabric layer. Just make a horizontal cut in the outer fabric and insert the plant. To keep the plant in place, attach the fabric to the plastic layer with stainless steel staples, creating a pouch-like hold. Before long, your plants will grow and cover the frame, turning it into a beautiful wall garden.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

Step 10: Maintenance

Vertical gardens are fantastic for people with mobility issues because you can take care of the green wall without needing to bend down. With this space-saving setup, you can easily manage the garden—whether it’s removing fallen leaves, handling pests, refilling fertilizer, checking the irrigation system, trimming plants, or refreshing the wall with seasonal plants.

How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard
How to Build Vertical Garden in Your Backyard

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