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10 Tips to Enhance Public Speaking

10 Tips to Enhance Public Speaking

A lot of people get nervous about public speaking—only about 10% of folks in the U.S. actually enjoy it. But getting better at speaking in public can really boost your career, opening up opportunities that others might shy away from. Check out these tips and techniques to help you get more comfortable speaking in front … Read more

Overcome Self-Doubt and Procrastination

Overcome Self-Doubt and Procrastination

It’s funny. Today, I sat down at my desk to make a video about how much business owners in the UK can pay themselves through salary and dividends. I intended it to be a straightforward, practical guide. But, oddly enough, I couldn’t bring myself to hit the record button. I took a deep breath and … Read more

10 Tips to Boost Public Speaking

10 Tips to Boost Public Speaking

Many people want to get better at public speaking. If you’re one of them, here are some tips to help you feel more confident when presenting to a group. Public speaking is a key skill because it’s useful in almost every industry. But it’s also something many people fear. The good news? With a bit … Read more