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Easy Transition from Full-Time to Freelance

Easy Transition from Full-Time to Freelance

Adapted from Chapter 5 of How to Start a Successful Creative Agency, “Starting Your Freelance Business” So, you’re thinking about ditching your 9-to-5 job in marketing, advertising, or communications to go full-time freelancing. Whether you’re a writer, graphic designer, front-end developer, or filmmaker, you might be wondering how to make the switch. The challenge is, … Read more

7 Top Tips for Remote Team Management

7 Top Tips for Remote Team Management

According to a 2021 survey, 56% of US companies have been ramping up their remote work arrangements. With more workers spread out across various locations, managers worldwide are navigating the challenges of leading remote teams. And let’s face it—managing a team in person is already tough enough! But managing remote teams has its own set … Read more